Garage door break-ins are on the rise. Since videos started circulating of people using wooden blocks and coat hangers to easily reach the release mechanism of a garage door, copy cat burglars have popped up all across the country. At the Overhead Door Company of Augusta, we’re obsessed with garage security. Below, we’ve compiled five tips to help you up your garage security and put your mind at ease.
Don’t Leave It Open, Even If You’re Home
This is something we’ve all been guilty of doing. We find ourselves outside taking care of some yard work and instead of closing the garage door between trimming the hedges and mowing the lawn, we leave the door wide open. While it’s highly unlikely that someone will attempt a mid-day heist, it does give passersby the opportunity to check out the contents of your garage. Even if you live in a “nice” neighborhood, don’t take security for granted and keep your garage door closed as much as possible.
Keep Your Opener On Your Person, Not In Your Car
One burglary can lead to a second. Leaving your garage door opener clipped to your vehicle’s visor or in the sunglasses compartment combined with the personal information listed on your insurance card means anyone that breaks in now has a home address and an easy way in. Prevent this from happening by purchasing a key fob remote opener and keep it on your person at all times. Better yet, invest in a smart security system that allows you to control your door from your home — we’d recommend the OHD Anywhere app.
Turn Weaknesses Into Strengths
The most sensitive areas of your garage — the aforementioned garage door release mechanism cord, the side door, the windows — can all be protected with a quick shopping trip and a touch of elbow grease.
To protect the release cord, purchase a garage shield. These metal or plastic barriers prevent the six-second technique by making it impossible to reach your garage door release cord with a coat hanger.
To prevent an intruder from kicking your door in, install a strike plate reinforcer to shore up your door’s weak point. Finally, stay frosty.
Frosted glass is an easy upgrade that keeps unwanted eyes away from your garage’s interior, preventing thieves from checking out your vehicle and valuables.
Let There Be Light
Installing a set of lights — preferably of the motion-sense variety — is another easy way to deter any potential intruders. Additionally, it alerts you to any unwanted visitors roaming around your property.
Talk To A Garage Door Security Professional
If you are curious about other ways to upgrade your garage security, talk to the professionals at the Overhead Door Company of Augusta. They can send an expert out to assess your current setup, look for weak spots, and recommend the necessary tweaks to make your garage impenetrable.
(843) 767-0028